- 2012/09/03 Workshop: “Christian Life according to the Letters of Saint Paul”. M.J.O. Camp at Zahle with women leaders from Mount Lebanon. From 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
- 2012/06/25 Lecture: “From Human Violence to Divine Love in the Bible” School of Theological Education at Beirut. 7:30-9:00 PM.
- 2012/03/20 Lent Speech: “The Book of Revelation today”. Holy Ascension Church in Kfarhbab. 20:00 to 21:30.
- 2012/03/17 Spiritual Retreat: “The Bible in Our Life”. Our Lady of the Well, Jal Eldib. 16:30 to 19:30.
- 2012/03/08 Lent Speech: “The Spirit of Fasting according to the Bible”. Annunciation Church in Ras Beirut. 7:00-8:30 PM.
- 2012/2/13 Lecture: Are Temptations for Life or for Death? School of Theological Education at Beirut. 7:30-9:00 PM
- 2012/01/28 Four TV Interview Recording: “Characters from New Testament: (1) Virgin Mary (2) St. Joseph (3) Herod Antipas (4) Herod Agrippa”. Sat 7 at 2:00 PM. To be broadcasted during Lent in several TV channels.
- 2011/05/20 Workshop: Social Work in the Letter of James. M.J.O. Mkalles with women leaders from Mount Lebanon. From 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
- 2011/03/30 Lent Speech: “The Book of Revelation today”. St George Parish in Broummana.
- 2011/03/12 Lent Speech: “The Book of Revelation today”. St Michel Parish in Deir Mimas.
- 2010/12/14 Speech: “Christian Life according to the Pastoral Letters”. St Demetri Parish in Beirut. Youth group of workers.
- 2009/10/01 Online Lecture: “The Miraculous Catch of Fish. Luke 5:1-11”. At S.O.F.I.A. (Seminario Ortodoxo de Formación para IberoAmérica). Mexico.
- 2009/07/18 Public Lecture: “How to read the Book of Revelation today”. At the Greek Orthodox Archibishopric of Antioch in Buenos Aires.
- 2008/02 A Lent Lecture Series on the Gospel of Mark. Five sessions at St Georges Maronite Parish Center. Sarba, Lebanon.
- 2008/02/26 Online Lecture: “A Critical Comment on the Discovery Channel Documentary “The Tomb of Jesus”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2006/11/06 Public Lecture: “The Canon of the New Testament”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2006/10/30 Public Lecture: “History of New Testament Times”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2006/10/23 Public Lecture: “Biblical Inspiration”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2005/02/12 Lecture: “The Eastern Christian Websites in Arabic and English”. Archbishopric of Aleppo.
- 2004/01/28 Lecture: “Zaccheus and Jesus. An Encounter Narrative.” At a Spirtural Retreat for College Students with the title of Three Encounters: Myself, the Other and God. At Our Lady of the Carmel Monastery. Hazmieh.
- 2002/03/08 Lecture: The Ethical and Educational Dimension of the Bible”. In the Ecumenical Training Session for High School Education. Organized by the MECC. Homs. Syria.
- 2002/01/28 Lecture: “Biblical Interpretation Methods”. At the Panel Discussion Bible. Church and Tradition with Bishop Georges (Khodr) and Fr.Dr. Georges Atieh. Organized by M.J.O. At ALBA Sin El-Fil Beirut.
- 2001/02 Lecture: “Mercy in Luke-Acts” at the ATIME Training Session for Prison Pastoral Care. Fatka. Lebanon
- 2000/08 Lecture: “How to read Dogmatic Texts today”. At the MJO Leadership Conference. Bikfaya, Lebanon.