- 2012/05/08 2 Lectures: “The Old Testament in the Orthodox Church” as part of the NEST program for Studium im Ausland. Near East School of Theology. Beirut. Spring 2012.
- 2012/04/28 Keynote Speech: “The Interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer according to Matthew and Luke in the Antiochian Context”. At the WCC-SJDITh Joint Courses program on Prayer and the Sacrament of the Eucharist: An Ecclesiological and Ecumenical Perspective. St John of Damascus Institute of Theology; 24-28 April 2012.
- 2012/02/25 Lecture: “The Book of Joshua and the Gospels. Intertextuality of Narrative and Macronarrative Patterns”. At the WCC International Conference: Violence in the Name of God? Joshua in Changing Contexts. Hofgeismar Academy, Germany; 23-27 February 2012.
- 2012/02/22 Lecture: “Diodore of Tarsus’ Exegetical Method on Psalms. A pattern of Antiochian Exegesis”. At the International Conference: Exegesis and Theology in the Antiochian Schools of Antioch, Edessa and Nisibis. St John of Damascus Institute of Theology; 22-26 February 2012.
- 2012/01/24 Training Seminar: “Methods of Biblical Interpretation”. At The ADAYAN Fundation. Notre Dame des Anges School (Beirut). Three sessions: 24.01; 31.01 and 07.02.2012.
- 2011/12/10 Workshop: “The Arabic Contemporary Commentary of the Bible. Towards a Middle Eastern Arabic Commentary Holding Features of Post-Revolution”. At CEOSS Dar Al-Thakafah, Cairo. 9-10 December 2011.
- 2011/10/16 Workshop: “A Handbook on Teaching Ecumenism in Orthodox Contexts”. A preparatory meeting organized by ETE/WCC, CEC and Volos Academy. At Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Greece. 16-18 October 2011.
- 2011/09/08 Lecture: “Church Fathers and Biblical hermeneutics”. At the International Conference: The Word of God in the Spiritual Life. At Monastero di Bose (Italy), 7-10 September 2011.
- 2011/06/24 Lecture: “Inspiration in the Bible. An Orthodox Point of View”. At the conference: The Biblical Text and the Coranic Text: Formation and Truth. At UPA (Baabda), 24-25 June 2011.
- 2011/01/26 Lecture: “The Healing of the Paralytic in Mt 9:1-8. A Synoptic comparison with Mark and a Narrative Reading”. At the 12th Conference of the Middle East Biblical Federation: The Gospel of Matthew . Jal Eddibe-Balamand; 23-27 January 2011.
- 2010/10/23 Lecture: “The Centurion and the Widow (Lk 7:1-17). Lucan Narrative and the liberation of man from slavery and poverty” At the Festschrift Symposium in honor of Very Rev. Dr. Paul Nadim Tarazi. Little Falls (New Jersey), USA.
- 2010/09 Lecture: “Biblical Studies from a Greek Orthodox Perspective.” At the Conference: Orthodoxy and Protestantismus. 20 Years of Partnership between the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch and the Evangelical Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck. Hofgeismar, Germany.
- 2010/07 Lecture: “Diodore of Tarsus and the Book of Psalms. Exegetical Skills and Hermeneutical Questions.” At the Conference: SBL International Meeting. Unit: Bible in Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Traditions.Tartu, Estonia.
- 2010/06 Lecture: “Biblical Courses: A New Approach to an Old Discipline. The Relationship between Biblical and Other Theological Disciplines.” At the conference: Neo-patristic Synthesis or Post-patristic Theology. Can Orthodox Theology be Contextual? Volos, Greece.
- 2010/05 Lecture: “The People of God in the Book of Acts. Israel and the Church in Identity Conflicts” At the conference: The People of God in Bible and Tradition Semantic Implications and Modern Relevance. University of Balamand. Lebanon.
- 2010/02 Communication: “Antiochian Theology between Tradition and Modernity”. At the UOB-IFUOC Conference: Traditional, Spiritual, and Cultural Values as the Basis of Stable Development. UOB.
- 2009/12 Lecture: “The Canon for the Feast of the Prophet Elias and Its Relationship to 1-2 Kings”. At the conference: St. John of Damascus: Theology, Image and Melody. University of Balamand. Lebanon.
- 2009/10/01 Online Lecture: “The Miraculous Catch of Fish. Luke 5:1-11”. At S.O.F.I.A. (Seminario Ortodoxo de Formación para IberoAmérica). Mexico.
- 2009/09 International Workshop for a theological handbook addressing the issue of “Promised Land” in the context of the Israeli-Palestine conflict. WCC. Geneva.
- 2009/08/12 Public Lecture: “Faith and Culture in the New Testament.” At Univesidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (UCSE). Argentina.
- 2009/07/18 Public Lecture: “How to read the Book of Revelation today”. At the Greek Orthodox Archibishopric of Antioch in Buenos Aires.
- 2009/07 Lecture: “The Prayer of Manasses. Orthodox Tradition and Modern Studies in Dialogue”. At the 2009 SBL International Meeting. Rome.
- 2009/05 Lecture: “Faith and Culture in the New Testament”. At the conference Church and Culture organized by the Academy for Theological Studies. Volos. Greece.
- 2009/01 Lecture: “Body and Life in Psalm 16.” At the 11th Middle East Bible Conference The Book of Psalms. The Man in God’s presence. Jal El-Dib. Lebanon.
- 2008/09 Lecture: “The Sense of Possessing the Land in the Hebrew Bible and its Perception in Modern Arabic Translations”. At the VIII Conference on Arab Christian Studies. Granada. Spain.
- 2008/09 Lecture: “The People of God in Romans 9-11”. At the International Theological Conference: Promised Land. SEKFEPS - WCC (PIEF). Bern.
- 2008/08/07 Public Lecture: “Poor and Rich in the Church. An Eastern Christian Approach”. At Univesidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (UCSE). Argentina.
- 2008/07/19 Public Lecture: “One Day in Galilee. Applied interpretation of Mk 1:21-45”. At the Greek Orthodox Archibishopric of Antioch in Buenos Aires.
- 2008/04 Lecture: “Inspiration in the Bible. An Orthodox Perspective.” In: The Interconfessional Conference on Text and its Interpretation between al-waHy and al-tanzil. Ghazir Seminary. Lebanon
- 2008/03 Lecture: “The Magnificat and the Book of Psalms.” At the 6th Lebanese Biblical Conference of the FBL. USEK. Lebanon.
- 2008/02/26 Online Lecture: “A Critical Comment on the Discovery Channel Documentary “The Tomb of Jesus”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2008/02 A Lent Lecture Series on the Gospel of Mark. 5 sessions at St Georges Maronite Parish Center. Sarba. Lebanon.
- 2007/11/10 Lecture: “St John’s Chrysostom Socio-Ethical Teaching.” At a Symposium on The 16th Century Anniversary of St John Chrysostom. Organized by St John of Damascus Institute of Theology. Lebanon.
- 2007/10/11 Panel Member at Symposium on “THE WORD OF GOD IN THE LIFE AND MISSION OF THE CHURCH”. The Lineamenta for the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Catholic Synod of Bishops. Faculty of Theology. USEK.
- 2007/09 Workshop for the Publication of an Arabic Modern Bible Commentary. Dar El-Thakafa, Alexandria, Egypt.
- 2007/05 Lecture: Chrysostom’s Unveiling of a New Ethos. The Social-Action Teaching in His Four Sermons on Luke 16:19-31. At the Conference Theology and Society in the Work of Saint John Chrysostom. Faculty of Theology of Oradea, Romania.
- 2007/04/12 Workshop on the WCC Document “The Nature and Mission of The Church”, Organized by Faculty of Theology, USEK.
- 2007/01 Lecture: “The Narrative Structure of the Gospel according to Mark”.At the 10th Middle East Bible Conference. The Gospel according to Mark. Jal El-Dib. Lebanon.
- 2007/01/19 Book Presentation: “The Interlinear Hebrew-Arabic Old Testament” By Fr. Paul Feghali and Fr. Antoine Awkar. UPA Baabda. Lebanon
- 2007/01/11 Panel Discussion: “The Gospel of Judas and Jesus: Should Christians rewrite History?”. With Dr. Johnny Awad. At NEST Beirut. Lebanon
- 2006/11/06 Public Lecture: “The Canon of the New Testament”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2006/10/30 Public Lecture: “History of New Testament Times”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2006/10/23 Public Lecture: “Biblical Inspiration”. At the Online Program OCE (Orthodox Christian Education). Archbishopric of Aleppo. Syria.
- 2006/08/29 Public Lecture: “The Gospel of Judas: A new image of Jesus?” At the Catholic Theological Seminary in Salta. Argentina.
- 2006/08/21 Public Lecture: “Orthodox Tradition and Modern Hermeneutics”. At the Catholic Theological Seminary in Tucumán. Argentina.
- 2006/06 Lecture: “Dynamic Tradition and Modern Exegesis”. At the VII Conference of Orthodox Theological Schools. University of Joensuu. Finland.
- 2006/05/20 Lecture: “The Role of Theology in Society”. at the A.T.I.M.E. Professors Yearly Meeting, U.S.J., Beirut.
- 2005/04 Lecture: “Managing Life and Its Beginning according to Scripture.” At Bioethics. A conference organized by the Federation of Theological Schools in the Middle East (A.T.I.M.E.), Antelias. Lebanon.
- 2005/04/14 Public Lecture: “Family in the New Testament”. In the framework of the Public Lecture Series on Family and the Church at UOB Institute of Theology.
- 2005/02/12 Lecture: “The Eastern Christian Websites in Arabic and English”. Archbishopric of Aleppo.
- 2004/12/04 Panel Discusion: “The Magi Narrative: History or Theology?”. With Dr Mark Schöni and Dr. Johnny Awad. At NEST Beirut. Lebanon.
- 2004/09/01 Public Lecture: “Social Work expressing an Eschatological Vision”. At Univesidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (UCSE). Argentina.
- 2004/08/27 Public Lecture: “The Bible as a Cultural Legacy of the Middle East”. At Univesidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (UCSE). Argentina.
- 2004/07/27 Lecture: “Introduction to the Book of Revelation.” In an Intensive Biblle Seminar on the Book of Revelation given by Fr.Dr. Paul Tarazi at the Archbishopric of Beirut.
- 2004/05 Lecture: “Orthodox and Protestant Methodology for Biblical Interpretation.” At Orthodox and Evangelicals in the Middle East. A conference organized by UOB-NEST, Balamand – Beirut.
- 2004/05/01 Lecture: “The Bible and the Unity of Christians”. At the Annual ATIME Student Meeting. UOB Institute of Thelogy. Lebanon.
- 2004/01/28 Lecture: “Zaccheus and Jesus. An Encounter Narrative.” At a Spirtural Retreat for College Students with the title of Three Encounters: Myself, the Other and God. At Our Lady of the Carmel Monastery. Hazmieh.
- 2003/12 Lecture: “Modern Biblical Criticism and the Orthodox Church,” At the 4th Lebanese Biblical Conference of the FBL. USEK. Lebanon.
- 2003/01 Lecture: “Deliverance from Evil according to the Lord’s Prayer.” At The II Training Session for Pastoral Care in Prison. Organized by the Middle East Council of Churches, Jal Eddib. Lebanon.
- 2003/01 Lecture: “The Genesis Patriarchs and the Divine Wisdom Gift”. At the 8th Middle East Bible Conference The Book of Genesis and the History of Salvation. Jal El-Dib. Lebanon.
- 2002/03/08 Lecture: The Ethical and Educational Dimension of the Bible”. In the Ecumenical Training Session for High School Education. Organized by the MECC. Homs. Syria.
- 2002/01/28 Lecture: “Biblical Interpretation Methods”. At the Panel Discussion Bible. Church and Tradition with Bishop Georges (Khodr) and Fr.Dr. Georges Atieh. Organized by M.J.O. At ALBA Sin El-Fil Beirut.
- 2001/02 Lecture: “Mercy in Luke-Acts” at the ATIME Training Session for Prison Pastoral Care. Fatka. Lebanon
- 2000/08 Lecture: “How to read Dogmatic Texts today”. At the MJO Leadership Conference. Bikfaya. Lebanon.