Institute of Theology

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Student Life Chart

Student life encompasses the following three dimensions:

1. The educational aspect

2. The spiritual aspect

3. The communal life aspect



The students consider academic achievement as part of their prerequisite for serving in the Church. Consequently, they abide by the following:

Article 1:

The use of the Institute Library or modern technologies available at the UOB is necessary to expand      the horizons of the students and prepare them for free and open discussions. The Institute of Theology encourages students to consult academic resources and get acquainted with recent scientific developments with a spirit of responsibility.

 Article 2:

The student is accountable for any abuse of technologies at his disposal: plagiarism, immorality, and transmission of false or abusive information.

Article 3:

Pastoral training constitutes one of the indispensable and mandatory requirements for students. They have to participate in this training in all its aspects, drawing on the knowledge they acquire at the Institute while exploring future pastoral work.

Article 4:

Students join the choir as regulated in the curricula. Any exemption requires a decision from the Institute Council upon the suggestion of the choir director.

Article 5:

Attending all courses and participating in various educational activities is obligatory. The accepted absence rate in any Course is 10%. In case it is exceeded, the student has to withdraw from the Course, scores a W grade, and may repeat the Course no more than once.

Article 6:

Student who cheat at the exams or commit any form of plagiarism in research are permanently expelled from the Institute of Theology. The Institute Council is entitled to consider and settle these cases.

Article 7:

Students are expected to abide by the deadlines set by professors to submit their assignments as established in the syllabi distributed to the students at the beginning of the semester. Students are liable to obtain a grade of 40 for work they do not submit on time.



Students should live up to the following:

Article 8:

Prayer is vital for students. Besides individual prayers, each student is called upon to take part in liturgical services, as follows: Daily Matins and Vespers; Sunday Divine Liturgy; Vigils and liturgies on Festal occasions. Failing to regularly attend the prayers is an impediment to studying at the Institute and renders the student accountable before the Institute Council.

Article 9:

Besides prayer, students are spiritually assisted by the guidance of priests residing at the monastery and the Institute. Regular partaking of Holy Communion is recommended.

The Institute Council writes an annual evaluation of each student following a clear and documented criteria and reports it to the student’s ecclesiastical authority.

Article 10:

The Institute of Theology conforms completely with fasting periods and their regulations. At the same time, and in observance of the Lenten spirituality, students are trained in personal temperance, charitable work, and service to the needy and the vulnerable through contributing effectively to social activities organized by the Institute and the Monastery.



The students, whose place of residence during their study period is the Institute, abide by the following regulations:

Article 11:

Students reside at the Institute during their years of study, except for the following periods:

  1. Christmas vacation
  2. Bright Week following Holy Pascha
  3. Summer Vacation, unless they have to participate in language Summer programs.

Article 12:

Life at the Institute as a living experience with others and interacting positively with them is a practical reflection of the success of the student’s spiritual life. Hence, students are expected to avoid any attitude or action that instigates conflict of whatever kind. The administration ensures that students are open to each other and accept differences as an enrichment.

Article 13:

Life at the Institute constitutes a place to practice the art of serving. Consequently, at the beginning of each semester, the student life supervisor sets up teams of students to serve various duties at the Institute. The Institute Council in the student evaluation takes into consideration the student’s engagement in teamwork.

Article 14:

Communal life at the Institute requires complying with its primary principles, such as cleanliness, punctuality, respect, and service. Not complying with these rules is considered a violation that brings about the attention of the Student Life supervisor.

Article 15:

Students are encouraged to take the initiative to establish clubs at the university according to the statutes of clubs. They may also participate in the already established clubs as a part of sharing their witness in society.

Article 16:

Daily life schedule is in general as follows:

A. Matins at 6:45 AM
B. Breakfast at 7:45 AM
C. Morning classes from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
D. Lunch and break from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
E. Afternoon classes from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
F. Ninth Hour and Vespers at 5:45 PM
G. Dinner at 7:00 PM

It is worth mentioning that the reading room and the computer hall are available all day long until 10:00 PM in general, and until midnight during the exam period. 

Article 17:

The Institute Council is the reference for all matters related to student life and performance, and it may set the regulatory framework for cases not specified in these regulations.

Article 18:

The Institute Council is the proper reference for decision-making and receiving complaints. The Dean is the sole official spokesman thereof.

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Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology
The University of Balamand

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