Postal adress:
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Theological School,
Department of Theology
University Campus (Ano Ilissia) 157 72, Greece
private: ++302107646842
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Born on 07/23/1964 in Athens.
A. Academic qualifications
Theological Faculty of University of Rostock (Germany)
DOCTOR HABILITATUS (Post-doctorate Degree) (12/12/2007)
Dissertation: “Eschatology in the Egyptian Monasticism. The Role of Christian Eschatological Models of Thought in the History of the Early Egyptian Monasticism and Its Social Function.”
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Holze
Department of Theology of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA Greece).
PH. D. in Church History (5/6/1995)
Dissertation: "The philosophical presuppositions of the Nicephoros Gregoras' opposition to Hesychasm".
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vlassios Phidas
Philosophical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich (Germany).
M.A. in Byzantine Studies (02/21/1994)|
Magister Thesis: "The negotiations for Church Union between East and West from 1204 to 1453"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Hohlweg.
Department of Theology of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
B.A. (Ptychion) in Theology (1986)
Anavrita-Classical-Lyceum High School, Kifissia/Athens (Greece)
Graduation (1982)
September 1988 – July 1992. Studies in Germany financed by scholarship of EKD (Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands). From September 1988 until May 1990
(WS 1988/89 – SS 1990) I attended as ordinary student of Evangelical Theology lectures and seminars of Prof. Chr. Felmy (Erlangen) and W. Pannenberg (Munich). From September 1990 I changed my studies major subject (Hauptfach) to Byzantine Studies and minor subjects (Nebenfächer) Orthodox Theology and Philosophy. Apart from lectures and Seminars on the main field near Prof. Armin Hohlweg and Franz Tinnefeld I attended courses of Prof. W. Beierwaltes on ancient Greek philosophy, lectures and Seminars of Prof. Th. Nikolaou upon Orthodox Theology as well as elementary Seminars (Proseminar) upon Medieval History and Renaissance Philosophy.
B. Teaching activity generally:
Since 5/25/2021 Full Professor of Church History at the Department of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 5/24/2021 to 3/7/2017 Associate Professor – 8/23/2012 to 3/6/2017 Assistant Professor of Church History at the same University (elected unanimously on 05/14/2012) – 04/17/2007 to 8/22/2012 Lecturer of Church History at the same University (elected on 03/01/2006).
Since December 2010 Adjunct Professor (Privatdozent) at the Theological Faculty of the University of Rostock.
May 2001-September 2002 Researcher at the Evangelical Theological Faculty and the Faculty of Egyptology of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich (Germany).
1992-2007 Religious Education teacher in Secondary Education. From 2000 to 2004 I was in leave for research (to prepare my Habilitation, see above).
In May 1996, November 1997, February-March 1998, May 1999 and November 2000 I taught elements of Science of Religion to teachers of elementary schools in short term post educational courses organized under the auspices of the Institute of Christian Pedagogy by the Social Theology Department of NKUA.
01/01/1991 to 03/31/1991. Academic Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Institute for Orthodox Theology of the LMU University, Munich.
September 1989 to December 1990 Steward Staff (Hilfskraft) at the Institute for Orthodox Theology of the LMU University, Munich.
Teaching activity (2007-2022)
1. Department of Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens1.1. Undergraduate Courses (BA Theology):
Compulsory Courses: Ecclesiastical History I [Early period up to 8th c] (WS 2007/8- 2009/10) – Ecclesiastical History II [medieval period from 9th to 16th c.], (SS 2007/8-2013/14, WS 2015/16-2023/24) – Byzantine History (SS 2008-2012, 2017-2024) – History and Theology of liturgical Rites (SS 2017/18).
Optional Courses in seminary form: “Sources of Church and Byzantine History” (WS 2007/8-2013/14) - “History of Oriental Orthodox Churches” (WS 2010/11- 2021/22), see Study Guide p. 387– “The dissemination of Christianity after the discovery of the New World” (SS 2014, 2016-22). 2014/15 Sabbatical year.
1.2. Postgraduate Courses for M.A. Historical Theology:
Christian Church in Late Antiquity (WS 2007/8, 2008/9) – Heresy and Orthodoxy during the evolution of Christian Church in Late Antiquity (WS 2009/10) – Relations between East and West from the 7th to 15th c. (WS 2009/10) – The development of Christian monasticism and its role in the society of Late Antiquity (WS 2010/11) – Topics of Church History until Iconoclasm: The bishop and the city in Late Antiquity (WS 2011/12) – Topics of Church History until Iconoclasm: Institution and Charisma in late antique Christianity: From the microcosm of Palestine to Greek-Roman globalism (WS 2012/13). (2013/14 Courses suspended, due to strike of the administrative stuff, 2014/15 Sabbatical year) – The function in the Church and the political role of the bishop during the Late Antiquity (WS 2015/16-2016/17) – Christian Church and society during the late byzantine period (12th – 15th c.) (SS 2010/11, WS 2015/16-2016/17) – Church institutions and intellectual currents during the 6th and 7th centuries (WS 2017/18),– Christianity in the European society during the late Middle Ages (WS 2017/18-2022/23) – Early Church and Late Antiquity (WS 2018/19-2022/23)
1.3. Supervised MA Theses (completed)
“The letter of Pope Pius IX to the East (1848) and the relevant literary production” (Nikolaos Kouremenos, accepted June 2012)
“The Ecumenical Patriarch Sergius II (999-1019) and the internal function of Patriarchate of Constantinople” (John Kalousios, accepted June 2013)
“The Syrian Orthodox Church in Middle East from the end of 19th century to the end of World War I” (Tadars Saado, accepted June 2013)
“The Orthodox Church of Moldavia in the 20th century” (Nicolae Tasca, accepted July 2014)
“The recent agreement for the lifting of schism with the so-called “Macedonian Orthodox Church” in May 2002 and its consequences for the Church unity” (Jordan Nastovski, accepted July 2014)
“Life and Church activity of Bishop Polycarp Morusca (1883-1958)” (Elena Dumitrascu, accepted December 2015)
“Translations of the Vitae of holy Antony and Theodosios, founders of the Kiev Petsersk Lavra into modern Greek” (George Iordanidis, accepted December 2015)
“Life and Church Activity of Anastasios the Librarian” (Pantelis Levakos, accepted Februar 2018)
“The Patriarch Cyrill III Ibn Laqlaq (1235-1243) and the evolution of the Coptic Church during the 1st half of the 13th c.”. (Michael Youssef Rezk Abdelsayed, accepted September 2018)
“The Pest (540-750) – church historical and cultural impact” (Georgios Ntokos, accepted February 2021)
“The Conciliarist Movement and its reception in Late Byzantium” (Nicolaos Vazanas, accepted July 2021)
2. Theological Faculty at the University of Rostock/Germany
2.1. Seminars in compact form (Blockseminare)
Ökumene vor der Ökumene: Die Begegnungen zwischen Christen verschiedener Glaubensgemeinschaften vom Mittelalter bis zum 17. Jh. im Bereich des Ostens (Encounters between Christians of different denominations from Middle Ages to 17th c. in the East) 5-7.06.2009
Askese und Mönchtum in der Gestaltung der Ostkirche vom Ausgang der Spätantike bis zum Ende des Mittelalters (Asceticism and monasticism in the shaping of Eastern Church from the end of Late Antiquity to the end of Middle Ages) 14- 17.06.2011
Das Schisma zwischen Ost und West (The Schism between East and West), 19- 23.06.2013.
Das Christentum im Ostmittelmeer beim Übergang von der Spätantike zum Mittelalter (Christianity in Eastern Mediterranean during the transition from Late Antiquity to Middle Ages) 19-21.6.2015.
Der Konzilsgedanke in der Orthodoxen Kirche und das Panorthodoxe Konzil, ( The conciliar idea in the Orthodox Church and the Panorthodox Council, see http://www.theologie.uni- rostock.de/fileadmin/THF/fakultativ/Sommersemester-2016.pdf) 1- 03.07.2016.
Die Wüste und die Stadt (The desert and the city, see https://www.theologie.uni- rostock.de/fileadmin/uni-rostock/Alle_THF/THF/Studium/Studium/LV- UEberblick_Download_SoSe_19.pdf ) 21.-23.6.2019
Orthodoxie und Ökumene (Orthodoxy and Ecumenism) 7.-9.7.2023
2.2. Lectures (Vorlesungen)
„Anpassung oder Pseudomorphose? Die Orthodoxe Kirche im 16. / 17. Jahrhundert“ (Adoption or Pseudomorphosis? The Orthodox Church in 16th/17th centuries) and "Den Heiligen Vätern folgend"- Die Theologie im modernen Griechenland zwischen Traditionalismus und Erneuerung, („Following the Holy Fathers“ – Theology in modern Greece between Traditionalism and Innovation“) in 25- 29.06.2012 for the Summer Semester 2012
«Orthodoxie und Reformation in Geschichte und Gegenwart» („Orthodoxy and Reformation in the history and the present“). Opening lecture for the Winter Semester 2017/18 in 16.10.2017. See https://www.theologie.uni- rostock.de/aktuelles/detailansicht-der-news/n/feierlicher-semesterbeginn-in- der-universitaetskirche/
3. Guest lectures and courses in various circumstances
Through Erasmus-Exchange Program lectures at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of Ludwig-Maximilian-University about "Hesychasmus und die geistigen Strömungen in der spätbyzantinischen Kirche" (“Hesychasm and the intellectual currents in late byzantine Church”) and "Das Mönchtum in der spätantiken Gesellschaft" (“Monasticism in the late antique society”) for SS 2013 in 9-10.7.2013. See http://www.orththeol.uni- muenchen.de/archiv/alte_gastvortraege/gast-moschos/index.html
At the Seminar of "Pastoral Training Foundation" of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens held in 4-7.3.2013, dealing with aspects of II Ecumenical Council (381) in Chalki island/Turkey, lecture on “Monasticism during the II Ecumenical Council”
Seminar within the frame of training Program of the NKUA “Kostis Palamas” on 14- 19/9/2015 and 1-3/11/2015 in Patras, a course of 18 teaching hours on “Greeks and foreigners during Frankish and Turkish domination of Greece” Through Erasmus-Exchange Program lecture at the Department of Theology and Religion of the University of Durham about «Ascetical Currents in Late Antiquity and the Impact on the History of Christianity» on 12.5.2016 (see https://www.dur.ac.uk/theology.religion/research/seminars/patristics/?seminar= 4651 )
Through Erasmus-Exchange Program lecture at the Department of Theology of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel/ Germany (21.5.19 to 23.5.19) on “Das Christentum im östlichen Mittelmeerraum während des „langen“ 6. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. – Zeichen des Wandels in literarischen und archäologischen Quellen“ (Christianity in Eastern Mediterranean during the
„long 6th c. CE“ – Evidence of transform in literary and archaeological sources) see https://www.theol.uni-kiel.de/de/die-fakultaet/retrospektive/ss- 2019/internationaler-gastvortrag-von-professor-dr-dimitrios-moschos-athen-gr
Core Course “Church History and Theology” at the Winter semester 2020/21 in the Post-graduate Program in "Orthodox Ecumenical Theology" at the International Hellenic University (IHU)
Coordinator and member of the teaching staff at the joint course (BIP, Blended Intensive Project) “Religion and Power in the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages” of the CIVIS – Program for the SS 2022, 2023, 2025 (see more in Religion and power in the Eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages – News – CIVIS - A European Civic University)
C. Administrative positions
September 2020 – August 2022 elected Director of the Sector of History of the Department of Theology of NKUA
Since December 2018 (December 2021 re-elected) Director of the Oriental Christianity Research Laboratory of the Department of Theology of NKUA
Since September 2022 elected Head of the Department of Theology
D. Participation in Conferences (with Papers or Lectures):
25-27 September 1998: First Conference of Byzantinologists (Ioannina/Greece).
24-26 September 1999: Second Conference of Byzantinologists of Greece and Cyprus (Athens/Greece).
14-16 February 2003: Historiographie und Theologie – Kirchen- und Theologie- geschichte im Spannungsfeld von geschichtswissenschaftlicher Methode und theologischem Anspruch, Meißen (organized by the “Herausgeberkreis der Arbeiten zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte“, W. Kinzig, V. Leppin, K. Nowak und G. Wartenberg). Lecture upon „Kirchengeschichte aus dem Blinkwinkel der Orthodoxie“ [Church history from orthodox point of view, see list of publications].
5-10 November 2007, Veliko Tarnovo Bulgaria, Theological Conference: The witnessing of the Church and the expectations of society, hosted by University of Veliko Tarnovo/Pokrov Bogorodich Foundation,
12-16 June 2008, Geneva, International Conference: The “one holy catholic and apostolic church” Reflections on the understanding of the church in an ecumenical horizon, hosted by Lutherischer Weltbund/Université de Genève, Faculté autonome de théologie protestante, see http://www.lutheranworld.org/lwf/index.php/first-conference-one-holy- catholic-and-apostolic-church.html
7-10 May 2009, Volos Greece, Church and Culture International Conference, hosted by Theological Academy of Volos see (http://www.acadimia.gr/images/stories/pdf_arthra/volos_en_2009_b.pdf)
26-28 November 2009, Vienna, Kommunismus im Rückblick (1989-2009). Ökumenische Perspektiven. International Conference Kommunismus im Rückblick (1989 – 2009): Ökumenische Perspektiven aus Ost und West organized by Institut für Sozialethik, University of Vienna/Organisation Renovabis/Pro Oriente Foundation,
4-9 December 2009, Athens, Sixth International History Congress, The Enlightenment and Religion: The orthodox world, organised by National Hellenic Research Foundation
20-22 April 2010 Paris, Le renouvaeu de la théologie grecque contemporaine!: des années soixante à nos jours, Colloque international - 15 et 16 avril 2010, organised by Istina Review/Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Lecture on «Theology and Politics: A lost opportunity for the generation of the Sixties», (see list of publications)
22-25 September 2010 Bialystok-Suprasl, Poland, Conference on „Prawosławni w dziejach Rzeczpospolitej” organised by Theological Academy of Suprasl – OIKONOMOS Foundation/Chair of European History, University of Bialystok, paper on “Greek political thinkers and activists under the influence of Christian Orthodox worldview in modern Greece”.
17-19 February 2011, Heidelberg, Germany, UNION IN SEPARATION Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1700) International conference, organised by University of Heidelberg, Faculty of Philosophy, Transcultural Studies Junior research group "Trading Diasporas", paper on
«Negotium Graecorum – Trade as theory and practice in ecclesiastical contacts between the West and the world of late Byzantium (13th-15th c.)», see http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/tagungsberichte/id=3570
22-24 March 2012, Saint Louis USA, 2012 Medieval Academy of America Meeting, paper on "Continuities and Discontinuities with the Greek-Roman Past in Late Byzantium: The Cases of Theodore Metochites and Nicephoros Gregoras" (still unpublished, see http://www.slu.edu/center-for-medieval-and- renaissance-studies-home/events/events-archive/2012-medieval-academy-of- america-meeting/program )
5-8 September 2012, Bose Monastery, Italy, “XX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality: Man – Custodian of creation”, paper on “Ascetics and the Natural Environment in the Byzantine Monastic tradition”, see https://www.monasterodibose.it/en/hospitality/conferences/orthodox- spirituality/1194-2012-man-custodian-of-creation/6256-daily-program-en-gb- 1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (see list of publications)
31 May-2 June 2013, Niš Serbia, Saint Emperor Constantine and Christianity, International Conference Commemorating the 1700th Anniversary of the Edict of Milan, paper on “The emperors and the desert – the attitude of Egyptian monasticism towards Constantine and the prospect of a Christian Empire” (see list of publications)
3-5 October 2013, Vienna, Austria Conference on "Konstantin der Große und der Aufstieg des Christentums", paper on Heilsgeschichte und Charisma bei der Einberufung des Konzils von Nikaia durch Kaiser Konstantin (see list of publications)
27-30 May 2015, Athens (Theological Faculty), 18th Annual International Congress Mediterranean Studies Association, organizing a workshop and delivering a paper on « Christian Egypt in a Mediterranean Background during Late Antiquity» (see https://www.mediterraneanstudies.org/MSA%202015%20PROGRAM%20Final--REVISED--for%20POSTING%205-7-2015.pdf )
9-15 August 2015, participation at the XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies in the workshop “Palamas and Akindynos disputing on divine energies: discussion of a crucial document” with a paper on «Reasons of being versus uncreated energies - Neoplatonism and mathematics as means of participating in God according to Nicephorus Gregoras» (see https://ocm.conference- services.net/programme.asp?conferenceID=3653&language=en-uk and for the whole project taking place at the Theological Faculty of University of Bern/Switzerland see http://www.akindynos.unibe.ch/projekt.html )
4-7 September 2015, Bose monastery, Italy, XXΙ International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality on “Mercy and forgiveness” paper on “Mercy in the life and teaching of St. Pachomius” (see http://www.monasterodibose.it/images/stories/ospitalita/convegni-spiritualita- ortodossa/2015/pdf/CEISO2015_GRE_web.pdf )
25.-27. February 2016, Erfurt, Germany „The Pan-Orthodox Council of 2016 – a New Era for the Orthodox Church? Interdisciplinary Perspectives“ critical response to keynote lecture of Prof. P. Valliere. (s. https://www.dgo-online.org/site- dgo/assets/files/1581/veranstaltungsbericht_ft_religion_2016_web.pdf )
2. April 2016 Volos, Greece, Conference on „Archbishop of Athens and Professor of Church History Chrysostomos Papadopoulos“, paper on “The historical work of Chrysostomos Papadopoulos against the challenges of today’s historiography of Christian Church” (in Greek). see http://www.diapoimansi.gr/PDF/program_theologikes_prosopografies_%CE%99%CE%99I.PDF
24.-25. November 2016 Athens, Conference on „Aristotle and Christianity”. Paper on “Using Aristotle in typical education and theology in the 14th century Byzantium (in Greek)”, see http://www.uoa.gr/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF- files/ekdilwseis/Synedria/2016/Theol112016_pdf5.pdf
6.-8. December 2016 Athens, Participation in „Coptic Studies Seminar“ together with Prof. Alexandros Tsakos (Bergen University) and his research team, on a new translation of the coptic Book of Bartholomew in English and a lecture about “Eschatological Motifs in Egyptian Monastic Literature” (s. https://norwinst.w.uib.no/what-we-offer/events/past-seminars-and-lectures/ )
17-18 February 2017, Athens, International Conference on «Dionysius Areopagita Christianus», paper on «Dionysios against the Syrian Ascetical Background” (see http://philosophy.ppp.uoa.gr/fileadmin/philosophy.ppp.uoa.gr/uploads/PDF/U niversity_of_Athens_Workshop_Final Program_17-18_February_2017.pdf)
March 2-4, 2017, Mainz, Conference on “Imagining Byzantium Perception, Patterns, Problems in Eastern and Southeastern Europe (19th–20th Centuries)”, paper on “Approaching the Byzantine Past in the Historical Work of Dositheos of Jerusalem and Meletios of Athens” (see ttp://www.byzanz- mainz.de/aktivitaeten/a/article/imagining-byzantium-perception-patterns- problems-in-eastern-and-southeastern-europe/ )
May, 4-5, 2017, Izmir-Ephes/Turkey, III International Hagiographic Conference on “The apostolic Fathers and their time” held under the auspices of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, paper on “Priesthood and martyrdom in Martyrium of Polycarp and the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch”
October, 30, 2017, Riga, Conference on “The Reformation and its actual political consequences” organized by the European Academy on Religion and Society, in close cooperation with - and under the high patronage of the Council of Europe, paper on “The view of Orthodoxy on the Reformation” see https://dipartimenti.unicatt.it/scienze-religiose-Riga_30x2017.pdf
23 November2017, Athens, Symposium on Christian Egypt and Syria at the dawn of the 7th Century: Τheological and Cultural Interactions, paper on «The perception of Egypt in Christian Middle East during the 6th and 7th centuries», βλ. https://www.rchumanities.gr/wp- content/uploads/2017/11/KOUREMENOS_SYMPOSIUM_PROGRAM- PARTICIPANTS_FINAL.pdf
23-24 February 2018, Athens, Conference on “Sources Chrétiennes: Greek and latin contribution to the European Civilization” organized by the National Library of Greece, Greek Jesuits, Institut des Sources Chrétiennes, Foundation Artos Zois and Synaxis Review, (see publication list)
6-8 December 2018, Athens, 21st Conference of the Association of Postgraduate Students of Theology on The encounter of Christianity and Hellenism. Paper on “The impact of Greek-Roman political thinking on the emergence of the monastic movement” βλ. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19BcsAxn_CofRQPxoJfBYKRJ8djyp8QRZ/vi ew
9-12 January 2019, Jassy, Romania Conference on «Pan-Orthodox Unity and Conciliarity”, organized by the International Orthodox Theological Association, paper on ““The composition of the congregation” – Checks and balances in the early Church and their contribution to contemporary Orthodox Ecclesiology” see https://www.acadimia.org/en/news- announcements/press/644-iota-inaugural-conference-january-9-12-2019-iasi- romania
9-11 May 2019, Volos, Conference on “Figures of Christian Narrative Texts: Theological and secular approaches, organized by Volos Academy of Theological Studies, paper on “Contesting teachings on anthropology and history in narratives of the ascetic literature”, see https://acadimia.org/images/pdf_doc_more/2019/programs/program_2018_19
19-23 August 2019, Oxford, England, XVIII International Conference on Patristic Studies Oxford) paper on “A cross of light” – The sign of the cross amidst competing eschatological views during the 6th and 7th centuries
6-9 February 2020, Volos, Conference on Politics, Society and Culture in a global age, paper on “The History of the Idea of Democracy in Contemporary Greek Orthodox Theology” see https://acadimia.org/en/news- announcements/announcement/753-announcement-politics-society-and- culture-in-orthodox-theology-in-a-global-age
18-19 June 2021, Munich, E-conference on „200 Jahre griechischer Staat (1821-2021) und die Rolle der Orthodoxen Kirche im neuen Hellas“ organized by the Department of Orthodox Theology of LMUniversity. Paper on „To pothoumeno´ (´Das Erwünschte´): Chiliastisch-eschatologische Denkströmungen beim Befreiungskampf und der Gestaltung der neugriechischen nationalen Identität“, see https://www.orththeol.uni- muenchen.de/aktuelles/hellas-200_tagung/index.html
26-29. May 2022, Volos, Conference on “Saint Symeon the New Theologian Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Theology of Light and Grace” organized by Volos Academy of Theological Studies, paper on „The Monastic Theology of St. Symeon the New Theologian in relation to the ancient monastic patterns of the East”, see https://acadimia.org/images/pdf_doc_more/2022/programs/booklet%202022%20C%20EN_opt.pdf
20-23 Ὀκτωβρίου 2022, Regensburg, Workshop on „„Christian Witness in Today`s World. Encounters with Modern Greek Orthodox Theology“ organized by Volos Academy of Theological Studies and the Ostkircheninstitut of the Catholic bishopric of Regensburg. Paper on „Political Theory and Orthodox Theology in Modern Greece“
11-15 January 2023, Volos Second Conference (Mega-event) of International Orthodox Theological Association, paper on “Finally, everything is made new” – The “Byzantine Christianity” as a post-apocalyptic world according to Emperors, Councils, and bishops of the 7th century”, see https://iota- web.org/volos-conference-program/
5-8 September 2023, Bose Monastery/Italy, 29th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality THE WISDOM OF THE DESERT: The Sayings of the Fathers and Mothers. Paper on “The Spiritual World of the Desert Fathers: Common Lines and Points of Tension”, see https://www.monasterodibose.it/en/hospitality/conferences/orthodox- spirituality/1674-2023-the-wisdom-of-the-desert/15568-program-desert-23
12-14 September 2023, Athens, International Conference on the 100th anniversary of the founding and continuous publication of the academic journal Theologia, organized by the Standing Holy Synod of the Church of Greece “Orthodox Theology in Via in the Dematerialized Reality of Late Modernity”. Paper on “Church History in the intellectual landscape of post-modernity”.
21-23 October 2023, Volos International Conference «“Orthodox Christianity Between Pre-Modern Commitments, Modern Challenges, and Post-Modern Relevance” organized by Volos Academy of Theological Studies, and the Chair of Religious Studies (Orthodox Theology) of the Philosophical Faculty of Erfurt University. Paper on “Greek-Speaking Orthodox Theology Facing Modernity”
1. Books
- Πλατωνισμός ἤ Χριστιανισμός; -Οἱ φιλοσοφικές προϋποθέσεις τοῦ Ἀντι- ησυχασμοῦ τοῦ Νικηφόρου Γρηγορᾶ (1293-1361), Ἀθήνα 1998, ἐκδ. Παρουσία. [Platonism or Christianity? The philosophical presuppositions of the Nicephoros Gregoras' opposition to Hesychasm (1293-1361) in Gr.], Athens 1998, Parousia Publ.
Reviews on this book
- J. Demetrakopoulos (gr.), Byzantiaka 19 (1999), 403-418.
- G. S. Bebis, The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 44 (1999), 692- 695.
- Z. Antonopoulou-Trechlis, Byzantion 71 (2001), 289-290.
- Ἀπό τόν Ὄσιρι στόν Υἱό Δαβίδ. Ἡ γένεση καί τό ἀρχέγονο πολίτευμα τοῦ Χριστιανισμοῦ στήν Αἴγυπτο,.[From Osiris to Davids Son. The Birth and the primitive structures of Christianity in Egypt, in Gr. with German summary], Athens 2002, Parousia Publ.
- Eschatologie im ägyptischen Mönchtum. Die Rolle christlicher eschatologischer Denkvarianten in der Geschichte des frühen ägyptischen Mönchtums und seiner sozialen Funktion, [Eschatology in Egyptian Monasticism. The Role of Christian Eschatological Models of Thought in the History of Early Egyptian Monasticism and Its Social Function, in German] Tübingen 2010, 477 p., Mohr-Siebeck, STAC 59, ISBN 978-3-16-150045-9
Reviews on this book
- Daniel Buda, Revista Teologicâ 2 (2011)
- Hans Förster, Journal of Coptic Studies 13 (2011), 229-232
- Johannes Hofmann, Theologische Revue 108 (2012) 4, 309-310
- M. Petrelli, Das Heilige Land 2 (2013), 51
- M. Steinmüller, Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 124 (2013) 2-3, 340- 342
- Σύντομη ἱστορία τοῦ Χριστιανισμοῦ τ. 1, [A concise history of Christianity v.1. The first millennium, in Gr.], Athens 20142, Armos Publ.
- Σύντομη ἱστορία τοῦ Χριστιανισμοῦ τ. 2, [A concise history of Christianity, v.2. From Schism to modern era, in Gr.], Athens 20142, Armos Publ.
See the short note on the first volume of the first edition: „Concise textbook for the ecclesiastical history, 1st-11th c. of the eastern and western Christian dogma with strong relation to historical process. Selective primary texts and bibliography support the narrative”, Telelis, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103/1 (2010), p. 299.
- A bibliographical guide to the history of christianity [Bibliographic Guide]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions. https://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-719 [in Greek] 2024. An open e-book which includes an annotated bibliography for the history of Christianity from the beginning up to the present day. Accessible in https://repository.kallipos.gr/handle/11419/12752?&locale=en
2. Articles in Journals
- Der Streit um die Methode der Naturbeobachtung im späten Byzanz - geistesgeschichtliche und theologische Konsequenzen, Orthodoxes Forum 6 (1992) 2, 209-220.
- Τό νόημα τῆς κατηγορίας ἐπί Ἑλληνισμῷ στή βυζαντινή θεολογική σκέψη, [The meaning of the accusations for Hellenism in byzantine theological thinking, in Gr.], Synaxê 62 (April-June 1997), 69-82
- Δημογραφικές παρατηρήσεις γιά τήν Κωνσταντινούπολη μέ βάση ἀναξιοποίητες πηγές τοῦ 14ου-15ου αἰώνα, [Observations on population of Constantinople based on Church documents of 14th and 15th centuries, in Gr. with English summary), Klêronomia 31 (1999), 253-269
- Ὁ θεσμός τοῦ ἐξάρχου κατά τόν Πατριάρχη Κάλλιστο Α -συμπεράσματα γιά τόν κλῆρο καί τήν κοινωνία τῆς Κωνσταντινουπόλεως τόν 14ο αἰώνα, [The institution of exarchos according to Patriarch Kallistos I. – Conclusions about the clerus and the society of Constantinople in 14th c., in Gr. with summary in German], Theologia 73 (2002) 1, 195-218. Text is in http://www.ecclesia.gr/greek/press/theologia/index.asp accessible.
- Χριστιανική εσχατολογία και πολιτική κριτική της βυζαντινής κρατικής ιδεολογίας (Christian eschatology and political criticism against the byzantine imperial ideology in Gr.), Ekklêsiastikos kêryx, Theological yearly Review of Metropolis of Kition, 7 (1995, ed. 1998) 281-291.
- Ἐσχατολογία, ἱστορική πρόοδος καί ἄσκηση κατά τούς Μέγα Ἀθανάσιο καί Μέγα Βασίλειο, [Eschatology, Historical Progress, and Asceticism according to Athanasios the Great and Basil the Great, in Gr.] Nea Koinoniologia 30, (Spring 2000), 135-141.
- Ἐγκρατιτισμός καί Χριστιανισμός στήν Ὕστερη Ἀρχαιότητα -Ἡ περίπτωση τῆς ἑρμηνείας τῆς παρθενίας ὡς καθαρότητας [Encratism and Christianity in Late Antiquity, the case of understanding virginity as purity, in Gr.], Synaxê 77 (January-March 2001), 18-31.
- Περί ἁγίων καί τάφων - Δομές πολιτισμοῦ καί Χριστιανισμός στό παράδειγμα τῆς ταφικῆς τιμῆς τῶν μαρτύρων στήν Αἴγυπτο [Of saints and graves – Cultural structures and Christianity in the example of the cult of martyrs in Egypt, in Gr.], Synaxê 88 (October-December 2003), 36-44.
- Ἡ εἰκόνα τῆς πρώτης Ἐκκλησίας στά κείμενα τοῦ Nag Hammadi [The image of primitive Church in the texts of Nag Hammdi, in Gr.], Deltio biblikōn meletōn 24 (2006) 2, 201-210.
- Τὸ ἐκκλησιαστικὸ ἀξίωμα τοῦ Οἰκονόμου - ἐξέλιξη καὶ σχέση μὲ τὴν ἐπισκοπικὴ ἐξουσία, περ. [The ecclesiastical function of Oikonomos - its development and relation to episcopal authority in Gr.] Epistêmonikê Epetêris Theologikês Scholês Panepistimiou Athênon 42 (2007), 507-533.
- Ὁ διάλογος Ὀρθόδοξης Θεολογίας καί νεωτερικότητας στήν ἐκκλησιαστική ἱστοριογραφία, [The encounter of Orthodoxe Theology with modernity in ecclesiastical historiography, in Gr.], Synaxê, 107 (July-September 2008), 17- 31.
- Ἡ ἱστορία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας στό τοπίο τῆς σύγχρονης ἱστοριογραφίας – προκλήσεις καί δυνατότητες [The history of the Church against the background of modern historiography – challenges and potentials in Gr.], Ekklêsiastikos kêryx, Theological yearly Review of Metropolis of Kition, (2008), 123-147.
- Kontinuität und Umbruch in mittelägyptischen Mönchsgruppen nach der Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 12 (2009), 267-285.
- Όψεις συνοδικότητας κατά την εμφάνιση του μοναχισμού (4ος αι.), [Aspects of synodality at the emergence of monasticism (4th c.), in Gr.], Theologia 80/2 (April – Juni 2009), 87-102. Text is in http://www.ecclesia.gr/greek/press/theologia/index.asp accessible.
- Église et Culture aux premiers siècles chrétiens - Une tentative de description de leurs relations, à travers le modèle du martyre chrétien, Istina 55 (2010), 27- 39.
- Τό ἱστορικό ἔργο τοῦ π. Γεωργίου Φλωρόφσκυ [Reviewing the historical work of Georges Florovsky, in Gr.], Theologia 81/4 (2010), 67-80. Text is in http://www.ecclesia.gr/greek/press/theologia/index.asp accessible.
- Die Beziehungen zwischen Staat und Kirche in der Zeit dernationalsozialistischen Besatzung Griechenlands (1941-1944),Orthodoxes Forum 25 (2011), 105-119.
- Ὀρθοδοξία καί νεωτερικότητα – Συμβολή στή συζήτηση γιά τή σχέση τους ἀπό ἄποψη ἱστορική, [Orthodoxy and modernity – A Contribution to the discussion about their relation from a viewpoint of a historian in Gr.], Synaxê 120 (October-December 2011), 5-15.
- Αἰγυπτιακός μοναχισμός καὶ ἀναδιάταξη τῶν πολιτισμικῶν δομῶν τῆς ὕστερης Ἀρχαιότητας (4ος-7ος αἰ. μ. Χ.), [Egyptian monasticism and the reshape of cultural structures in Late Antiquity in Gr.], Theologia 83/1 (2012), 61-72. Text is in http://www.ecclesia.gr/greek/press/theologia/index.asp accessible.
- Oικονομικές σχέσεις στον μοναχισμό της Αιγύπτου κατά τους πρώτους αιώνες [Economic relations in early Egyptian monasticism, in Gr.], Theologia 83/2 (2012), 121-143. Text is in http://www.ecclesia.gr/greek/press/theologia/index.asp accessible.
- Christlicher Hellenismus*, in: Europäische Geschichte Online (EGO), Leibniz- Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG), Mainz European History Online (EGO) – published by the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz. URL: http://www.ieg-ego.eu/moschosd-2014-de URN: [JJJJ-MM-TT][YYYY- MM-DD].
- Συλλογικό χάρισμα, σύνοδοι καί ἑνότητα στήν ἱστορία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας [Collective charisma, synods and Unity in the history of the Church, in Gr.], Synaxê 133 (January-March 2015), 31-45.
- Συλλογικὸ χάρισμα, σύνοδοι καί ἑνότητα κατά τή μέση καί ὕστερη περίοδο τῆς ἱστορίας τῆς Ἐκκλησίας [Collective charisma, synods and Unity in the middle and late history of the Church, in Gr.], Synaxê 134 (July-August 2015), 23-36.
- Ἡ διαλεκτική ὑποκειμένου καί κοινότητας στόν ἀρχέγονο μοναχισμό, [The dialectics between individual and community in primitive monasticism, in Gr.] Synaxê 137 (January-March 2016), 38-46
- Konzil und Pfingsten – Die Rezeption des Konzils von Nikaia in der Ostkirche aufgrund von Eusebii VC 3, 7-9, Ostkirchliche Studien 65 (2016), 147-171.
- Christian Egypt in the Mediterranean background during Late Antiquity Epestemonikê Epetêris Theologikês Scholês Panepistêmiou Athênon 39 (2014, ed. 2017), 335-350.
- Ἡ διαμόρφωση τῆς νεκρώσιμης ἀκολουθίας κατά τούς λεγομένους Σκοτεινούς Χρόνους (7ος-8ος αἰ.) στήν Ὀρθόδοξη Ἐκκλησία, [The formation of funeral prayers during the so-called Dark Ages in Eastern Mediterranean (6th-7th c.) in Gr. with English summary], Theologia 87/2 (2017), 55-68.
- Theology and Politics in Contemporary Greece: A Missed Opportunity for the Greek Theology of the 1960s, The Ecumenical Review 70/2 (2018) 309-321, doi.org/10.1111/erev.12359
- Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia as historian of the Eastern Orthodox Church, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 19:4, (2019) 240-247, DOI: 10.1080/1474225X.2019.1675123
- Ἱεροσύνη καί Μαρτύριο ἀπό τίς ἐπιστολές Ἰγνατίου Ἀντιοχείας ἕως τό Μαρτύριο Πολυκάρπου – συμβολή στή θεολογική κατανόηση τῆς ἐξέλιξης τῶν θεσμῶν τῆς ἀρχαίας Ἐκκλησίας [Priesthood and martyrdom from the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch to the Martyrium Polycarpi – towards a theological understanding of the structural evolution of the Early Church in Gr. with English summary], Theologia 92,4 (2021) 21-43
- Σύνοδος Φερράρας-Φλωρεντίας: ἕνας κοπιώδης ἀπολογισμός, [The Council of Ferrara-Florence, an arduous assessment in Gr.], Synaxê 155 (September - December 2020), 28-39
- Greek-Roman political thinking and the emergence of the monastic movement in 4th c. C.E. Epistêmonikê Epetêris Theologikês Scholês Panepistêmiou Athênon 51 (2022, for 2016-2021) 419-433
- To pothoumeno” („Das Erwünschte“) – Chiliastisch-eschatologische Denkströmungen im Befreiungskampf und in der Gestaltung der neugriechischen nationalen Identität, περ. Orthodoxes Forum 36 (2022), 45-59
3. Contributions to miscellany volumes (Sammelbände)
34. Ἡ ποντιακή οἰκογένεια Τζανυχίτη (14ος-15ος αἰ.) -Προσωπογραφικά δεδομένα καί κοινωνική θεώρηση [The family Tzanychites in Pontos (14. – 15. c.) Prosopographical data and social status, in Gr.], communication at The Second Meeting of Byzantinologists from Greece and Cyprus, University held from 24 to 26 September 1999 in Athens/Greece published in A. Kollia-Dermitzaki/ B. Leontaritou/ T. Maniati-Kokkini (eds.), The second meeting of Byzantinologists from Greece and Cyprus - University of Athens, 24-26 September 1999 Round Tables, Research Programmes, Summaries of Communications, Athens, 2000, pp. 163-166.
35. Von den sogenannten „Anthropomorphiten“ in Ägypten des 4. Jh.s. in K. Nikolakopoulos/A. Vletsis/V. Ivanov (eds.), Orthodoxe Theologie zwischen Ost und West, Festschrift für Prof. Theodor Nikolaou, Frankfurt a.M. 2002, pp. 169-182.
36. Η εσχατολογία στον αιγυπτιακό μοναχισμό επί τη βάσει της Ιστορίας των κατ' Αίγυπτον μοναχών και της Λαυσαϊκής Ιστορίας (Eschatology in Egyptian monasticism based on the Historia Monachorum and the Lausiac history, in Gr.) in Hl. Metropoly of Demetrias- Volos-Academy for Theological Studies (ed.), Church and Eschatology, Athens 2003, pp. 191-221. Translation in English by G. Edwards for a planned English version available in https://www.academia.edu/31064535/Eschatology_in_Egyptian_Monasticism_ Based_on_the_Historia_Monachorum_in_Aegypto_and_the_Lausiac_History
37. Philosophy and Theology in 14th Century Thessaloniki, in Chr. Bakirtzis (ed.), Ayios Nikolaos Orphanos, The Wall Paintings, Athens/Thessaloniki 2003, pp. 39-69.
38. Kirchengeschichte aus dem Blickwinkel der Orthodoxie, in W. Kinzig / V. Leppin / G. Wartenberg (eds.), Historiographie und Theologie, Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte im Spannungsfeld von geschichtswissenschaftlicher Methode und theologischem Anspruch, Leipzig 2004, pp. 87-101.
39. A Harbor for the World in Stormy Times: Ecclesiological Reflections in the Orthodox Church and Theology, in H. P. Grosshans (ed.), One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Some Lutheran and Ecumenical perspectives, (LWF Studies 1/2009) Geneva 2009, pp. 77-92.
40. Θεολογία καί πολιτική: ἡ χαμένη εὐκαιρία τῆς γενιᾶς τοῦ ’60, [Theology and Politics: the lost opportunity of the generation of 60s, in Gr.] in P. Kalaitzidis/Th. N. Papathanasiou/Th. Abatzidis (eds.), Turbulence in the postwar Theology – The „Theology of 60s, Athens 2009, 683-694.
41. Ἡ Αἰγυπτιακή Ἐκκλησία μέχρι τόν 4ο αἰώνα [The Church in Egypt up to 4th century] in Chr. Voulgaris (et al. eds.), Πορεία Μαρτυρίας, Ἀφιερωματικός Τόμος στή Μνήμη τοῦ Μακαριστοῦ Πάπα καί Πατριάρχη Ἀλεξανδρείας καί Πάσης Ἀφρικῆς Κυροῦ Πέτρου τοῦ Ζ΄, [Way of Testimony – Dedicatory volume to the Memory of Late Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria Peter VII.], Athens 2010, pp. 344-367.
42. Aspects of modernity as seen by the Christians of 4th c. – The case of St. Basil of Caesarea and Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, in D. Popkonstantinov (ed.), Pravoslavie i poctmodernijim, Sofia 2010, pp. 67-79.
43. Ideologische Wandlungen in der Kirche Griechenlands während des Kampfes zwischen Kommunisten und Antikommunisten (1945-1974), in Ingeborg Gabriel/ Cornelia Bystricky (eds.), Kommunismus im Rückblick: Ökumenische Perspektiven aus Ost und West (1989 - 2009), Ostfildern 2010, pp. 311-325.
44. Greek political thinkers and activists under the influence of Christian Orthodox worldview in modern Greece, in U. Pawluczuk (ed.), Latopisy Akadaemii Supraskiej v. 1, Prawoslawni w dziejach Rzeczypospolitej, Bialystok 2010, pp. 125-132.
45. The emperors and the desert – the attitude of Egyptian monasticism towards Constantine and the prospect of a Christian Empire, in Drag. Bojović (ed.), Saint Emperor Constantine and Christianity, International Conference Commemorating the 1700th Anniversary of the Edict of Milan, v. 1, Niš 2013, 157-164.
46. Die Kirche von Hellas, in Th. Bremer / Hacik Rafi Gazer / Chr. Lange (ed.) Die orthodoxen Kirchen der byzantinischen Tradition, Darmstadt 2013, p. 77- 84.
47. Ascesi e ambiente naturale nella tradizione monastica Bizantina, in L'uomo custode del creato, Atti del XX Convegno Internazionale di Spiritualità Ortodossa, Bose 5-8 settembre 2012, a cura di L. d'Ayala Valva, L. Cremaschi, Mainardi, Qiqajon, Comunità di Bose 2013, p. 199-212.
48. Οἱ ἐκκλησιολογικές διαστάσεις τῆς συγχώρησης στήν Ἀρχαία Ἐκκλησία [The ecclesiological dimensions of forgiveness in the Early Church, in Gr.], in St. Zoumpoulakis (ed.), Ἡ συγχώρηση [Forgiveness], Athens 2014, pp. 227-237.
49. La misericordia nella Vita e nell’ insegnamento di San Pacomio, in L. d’Ayala Valva/ L. Cremaschi/A. Mainardi (eds.), Atti dello XXIII Convegnio Ecumenico Internazionale di spiritualità ortodossa, Bose 9-12 Settembre 2015, Magnano 2016, p. 139-150.
50. Negotium Graecorum – Trade as theory and practice in ecclesiastical contacts between the West and the world of late Byzantium (13th-15th c.) in Georg Christ / Franz-Julius Morche / Roberto Ζaugg et al. (eds.) Union in Separation Diasporic Groups and Ιdentities in the Eastern Mediterranean (1100-1800), Roma 2015, pp. 153-164.
51. An alternative “enlightenment”: The Philokalia, in P. Kitromilides (ed.), Enlightenment and religion in the Orthodox World, [Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment], Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2016, pp. 63-72.
52. The Churches of the East and the Enlightenment, in Ulrich L. Lehner/ Richard Muller/A. G. Roeber (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Early modern theology 1600- 1800, [OUP], Oxford/NY 2016, pp. 499-516, Online Publication Date: Aug. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199937943.013.35.
53. Ὄψεις ἀλληλεπίδρασης τῶν ὁμολογιακῶν ἐρίδων στήν δυτική Εὐρώπη μέ τήν πνευματική κίνηση τῆς ἑλληνικῆς Ἀνατολῆς κατά τούς 16ο – 17ο αἰ. [Aspects of interaction between the Confessional controversies in western Europe and the intellectual currents of Greek-speaking East during the 16th and 17th c., in Gr.], M. Litina/P. Sophoulis/ Ch. Karanasios (eds.) Ἀπὸ καρδίας. Μνήμη Δημητρίου Χ. Πάντου, [From the Heart. In Memoriam of Dimitrios Ch. Pantos], Athen 2016, pp. 331-355.
54. Χρήσεις τοῦ Ἀριστοτέλους στήν τυπική ἐκπαίδευση καί θεολογία στό Βυζάντιο κατά τόν 14ο αἰώνα [Using Aristotle in typical education and theology in the 14th century Byzantium, in Gr. with summary in English], Proceedings of the International Conference “Aristotle and Christianity” organized by the School of Theology NKUA, 24-25 November 2016, Athens 2017, pp. 137-148. E-Book, the text of the whole book can be downloaded from here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9ZIBl3cZu1Pa2ttOHJJc3BGUU0/view .
55. Reasons of being versus uncreated energies - Neoplatonism and mathematics as means of participating in God according to Nicephorus Gregoras in M. Vinzent (ed.) Studia Patristica 96, Oxford 2017, 547-554
56. Ὁ ρόλος τοῦ Εὐαγρίου τοῦ Ποντικοῦ στις θεολογικές συζητήσεις τῆς Μέσης Ἀνατολῆς μεταξύ 5ου και 6ου αἰώνα [The role of Evagrios of Pontos at the theological discussions in Middle East between the 5th and the 6th c., in Gr. with French summary], in St. Zoumboulakis/P. Salembier (eds.), Sources Chrétiennes – Apport grec et latin à la culture européenne, Athens 2019, 249- 271
57. “A cross of light” – The sign of the cross amidst competing eschatological views during the 6th and 7th centuries in M. Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica. Vol. CIV, Leuven/Paris/Bristol CT 2021, 115-126
58. Living together and living apart in late antique and byzantine Christian communities of a different faith – the ecclesiological significance, in Daniel Munteanu (ed.), Ökumene ist keine Häresie, Theologische Beiträge zu einer ökumenischen Kultur, Leiden/Boston/Singapore/Paderborn 2021, 414-426
59. Die Kirche Griechenlands in Geschichte und Gegenwart, in print by the Ecumenical Institut Bensheim
60. Πατερική και βυζαντινή θεολογική σκέψη: Χρήσιμη ἤ ξεπερασμένη στό νεωτερικό δημοκρατικό κράτος; [Patristic and byzantine theology: useful or obsolete in modern democratic state? in Gr.], in I. D. Bougatsos (ed.), Μνήμη π. Γεωργίου Δ. Μεταλληνού [Memory of rev. Geogrios D. Metallinos], Athens 2021, 293-303
61. History of the Idea of Democracy in Modern Greek Orthodox Theology, in P. Grosshans/P. Kalaitzidis (ed.) Politics, Society and Culture in Orthodox Theology in a Global Age, Leiden 2022, 58-77.
62. Ἡ γένεση τοῦ κοινοβιακοῦ μοναχισμοῦ στην Αἴγυπτο - Ἱστορική ἔρευνα και θεολογική ἑρμηνεία, στό Ἀ. Π. Ζαχαρίου (ἐπιμ.), Μοναχισμός, Ἱστορικές και θεολογικές προσεγγίσεις, Ι. Μ. Τριμυθοῦντος, Ἰδάλιο – Κύπρος, 2023, 383-416 [The emergence of cenobitic monasticism in Egypt – Historical enquiry and theological interpretation, in A. P. Zachariou (ed.) Monasticism, Historical and theological approaches, Idalio/Cyprus 2023, 383-416 in Gr.]
4. Book Reviews
63. Hans-Dieter Döpmann, Die Ostkirchen vom Bilderstreit bis zur Kirchenspaltung von 1054, Leipzig 1990 (Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen: I/8), Orthodoxes Forum 10 (1994) 2, 255-256
64. Richard Klein, Die Haltung der kappadokischen Bischöfe Basilius von Caesarea, Gregor von Nazianz und Gregor von Nyssa zur Sklaverei, Stuttgart 2000, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2002), 696-698
65. J. Zizioulas, (Metropolitan of Pergamon), Eucharist, Bishop, Church: The unity of the Church in the Divine Eucharist and the Bishop during the first three centuries, transl. by Elizabeth Theokritoff, Brooklyn, Ma: Holy Cross Orthodox Press 2001, Orthodoxes Forum 18 (2004), 75-76
66. Antonio Rigo (a cura di), Gregorio Palamas e oltre. Studi e documenti sulle controversie teologiche del XIV secolo bizantino [Orientalia Venetiana 16], Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore 2004, 315 S., Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (2007), 252-255
67. Dimitrij Bumazhnov, Visio mystica im Spannungsfeld frühchristlicher Überlieferungen. Die Lehre der sogenannten Antoniusbriefe von der Gottes- und Engelschau und das Problem unterschiedlicher spiritueller Traditionen im frühen ägyptischen Mönchtum, STAC 52, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2009. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 16 (2012) 385-387
68. Mariachiara Giorda, Monachesimo e istituzioni ecclesiastiche in Egitto: Alcuni casi di interazione e di integrazione. Scienze religiose. Nuova serie 22. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 2010 Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 124 (2013), 342-343.
69. Alistair Stewart, The Original Bishops. Office and Order in the First Christian Communities, Grand Rapids (Baker Academic) 2014, XX + 394 S., Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 20 (2016), 524, DOI: 10.1515/zac-2016-0020
5. Contributions in Lexica
- Photios, R. Blümer (ed.) Marienlexikon vol. V, St. Ottilien 1993, pp. 208-209.
- Proussos, Marienlexikon, op. cit., pp. 344.
- Tinos, Marienlexikon, op. cit. vol. VI, St. Ottilien 1994, pp. 428-429.
- Spiritualität, Ökumenisches Taschenlexikon, Frankfurt a. M. 2003, pp. 244-245.
- Blindness, V. Christianity A. Greek and Latin Patristics through Medieval Times, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Editor(s): Hans- Josef Klauck, Volker Leppin, Bernard McGinn, Choon-Leong Seow, Hermann Spieckermann, Barry Dov Walfish, Eric J. Ziolkowski vol. 4, Berlin/Boston 2012, pp. 186-188 (work honored with CHOICE Award for Outstanding Academic Title for 2010 American Library Association).