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Recent Publications

St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship in various theological fields and in different languages. Here below are the recent scholarly publications by the Institute’s full-time faculty members, which include book chapters, journal articles, and international conference proceedings. Kindly note that the complete list of publications for each faculty member can be found in the University of Balamand Repository.

E. Transformative Dialogue, Conflict, and Peacebuilding - Dr. Elias Halabi

El Halabi, E. Transformative Dialogue, Conflict, and Peacebuilding. The Ecumenical Review, March 2025.


From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator: The Nomadic Nature of Humanity in Luke-Acts - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

Ayuch, Daniel. From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator: The Nomadic Nature of Humanity in Luke-Acts. In: Pricop, Cosmin, et al. Images of the Human Being Eighth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Caraiman Monastery, May 26 to 31 2019. Mohr Siebeck, 2024, 85-99.

The Gospel of Luke’s Narrative. Its Main Features and Foundations - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

Ayuch, Daniel. The Gospel of Luke’s Narrative. Its Main Features and Foundations. In: St John of Damascus Institute of Theology Annals 14 (2024), 281-300.


The Good Samaritan and the Beatitudes Revisiting the Lucan parable in the light of the Kingdom - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

Ayuch, Daniel. The Good Samaritan and the Beatitudes Revisiting the Lucan parable in the light of the Kingdom. In: Sava, Viorel (ed.). Discursul teologic, cuvântul care zidește și vindecă. Valențe ale cercetărilor doctorale actuale (Theological Discourse, The Word that Builds and Heals. Contributions of Current Doctoral Research). Studia Theologica Doctoralia XVI. Iasi and Graz: Doxologia and Universität Graz, 2024, 521-534.

The Vision of Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch about the Diaspora. A Thematic Survey and An Analysis of His Homilies and Publications - Dr. Daniel Ayuch

Ayuch, Daniel. “The Vision of Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch about the Diaspora. A Thematic Survey and An Analysis of His Homilies and Publications.” Ökumenisches Forum, vol. 43-46, 2021-2024, pp. 157-171.

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The University of Balamand

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