The Holy Synod of Antioch Elects Bishop John Yazigi as Metropolitan of Western and Central Europe
In his extraordinary session at the Monastery of Balamand, the Holy Synod of Antioch, presided by His Beatitude IGNATIUS IV, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, elected on Tuesday June 17, 2008, two metropolitans for the vacant Antiochian archbishoprics of Europe and Akkar, after the repose in the Lord of Metropolitan Gabriel of Europe and Metropolitan Boulos of Akkar, of Thrice Blessed Memory.
His Eminence Metropolitan John Yazigi is elected as the Metropolitan of Western and Central Europe. At the time of his election Metropolitan John was the Bishop of Al Hosn (Pyrgou) in Syria. He worked as the Dean and Professor of Liturgics at the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, University of Balamand, during two different terms. Metropolitan John holds a PhD in Liturgical Theology from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He is the author of many books, articles, and translations on Liturgical Theology.
His Eminence Metropolitan Basilios Mansour is elected as the Metropolitan of Akkar and its dependencies (Acadia). At the time of his election, he was the Bishop of Tartous and Safita in Syria. His Eminence is the Professor of Church History at the Institute of Theology. Metropolitan Basilios holds a PhD in Antiochian History from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He is considered as the foremost researcher in Antiochian Church History today. The Dean, Faculty, Staff and Students of St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology would like to wish their Eminences MANY YEARS.
المجمع الأنطاكي الارثوذكسي المقدس انتخب متروبوليتين:
يذكر أن المطران يوحنا يازجي هو عميد سابق لمعهد القديس يوحنا الدمشقي اللاهوتي في جامعة البلمند. وأستاذ في الليتورجيا.
والمطران باسيليوس منصور هو أستاذ في التاريخ الكنسي الأنطاكي في معهد اللاهوت أيضاً.
أسرة معهد اللاهوت بعميدها وأساتذتها وموظفيها وطلابها تتمنى لسيادتهما كل الخير والتوفيق في مهامهما الرعائية.